Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I have a little thing for vampires.  I have always been fascinated by Van Helsing but the whole Twilight thing is kind of stupid to me. I don’t think that Twilight is a great example of vampires because it was more about making them look pretty and have every girl in the world in love with the series and male cast. I picture more of Dracula and older movies like that.
I kind of feel that vampires are kind of like the whole walking dead zombie thing. They are dead and walk around looking the same every time. Its almost as if they haven’t wanted to create something new that can be copied for the next 25 years like they did with zombies and vampires. 
I was never really into fantasy and all of that because I wanted to watch things a bit more believable but I also think that what made watching them good too. The fact that Dracula wants to love but the fact that he kills people and he lasts forever is kind of beautiful to me.

It makes a perfect story that many people can relate to. Well guys I guess. We want to love women and have them forever but it doesn’t always work out. For Dracula, it never works out. The fact that vampires look like they are still a teenager but are hundreds of years old is pretty cool.

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